What is a Doctoral Research Project?

Doctoral Research Project

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Pursuing a Doctorate in Business Administration (DBA), students embark on a comprehensive journey culminating in the Doctoral Research Project (DRP). This capstone experience bridges the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application, serving as a critical step in a student’s academic and professional development at California Intercontinental University.

What is a Doctoral Research Project?

Doing a DRP is about getting your hands dirty in real-world problem-solving. The Doctoral Research Project is an in-depth research project that challenges students to identify and solve real-world business problems. This endeavor not only tests their ability to apply academic theories but also their skills in creating viable solutions that have the potential to influence industry practices.

The beauty of the DRP lies in its global perspective. Students have the liberty to pinpoint research topics from corners far and wide, paving the way for a rich understanding of international business landscapes and strategies.

Why opt for a DBA with a Doctoral Research Project?

Flexibility is king in the DBA program. Tailored for the modern professional, this distance learning powerhouse allows learners to juggle their studies with personal and professional life.At CIU, it’s the main way to earn a DBA without a dissertation.

Plus, a DRP ensures a supporting learning environment. Despite the virtual setup, California Intercontinental University ensures a nurturing environment. A dedicated team of faculty members and student service advisors stands by to guide, encourage, and provide feedback to students. feedback, making the solitary journey of research feel less lonely.

Then, there’s a plus of a wide array of diverse experiences. The faculty’s global diversity enriches the learning experience, offering students insights from various cultural and professional backgrounds. This diversity enhances the quality of research and the depth of learning.

Navigating the Doctoral Research Project Journey

This journey from core courses to the final DRP submission is meticulous, fostering a focused and impactful research mentality. Regular faculty interactions are vital to this process, ensuring students stay on track and deeply engaged.

To make it short:

  • Core coursework lays the groundwork with crucial business acumen.
  • Then, students start their DRP, which takes 1 to 1 ½ years of research.
  • The DRP is expected to be succinct – about 70 to 110 pages.

The foundation of a DRP is the core coursework. The journey begins with core courses designed to prepare students for their research. These courses cover essential business disciplines, providing a solid foundation to build their DRP.

Completing the DRP typically takes one to one and a half years, depending on the student’s dedication and the complexity of the research. Regular interactions with faculty are essential for maintaining progress.

A focused approach is recommended for the DRP, with suggested lengths between 70 to 110 pages to ensure clarity and conciseness. This guideline helps students to avoid unnecessary detail and maintain a clear research focus.

Resources and Support for DRP Students

CIU offers additional support through editing services, ensuring that each DRP meets the highest academic standards. This meticulous attention to detail ensures that students present their research professionally.

The DRP process is supported by a network of faculty members and advocates who provide specialized guidance. This comprehensive support system is vital for overcoming challenges and achieving success.

The Global and Practical Impact of DRP

The DRP benefits from CIU’s global community of students and faculty, offering diverse perspectives on business challenges and fostering an environment of international collaboration.

Meanwhile, the DRP’s emphasis on addressing specific business problems ensures that students’ research has practical implications, preparing them for impactful career roles.

Reflections on the DRP Experience

Dr. Camila Lopes, CIU’s Doctoral Research Coordinator, describes the DRP as challenging yet immensely rewarding. It is an opportunity for students to demonstrate their ability to conduct meaningful research and contribute to their field.

The Doctoral Research Project is a cornerstone of the DBA program, blending intellectual rigor with practical innovation. It’s a conduit between scholarly concepts and tangible business solutions, shaping students into future leaders ready to navigate and influence the business world.

Completing a DRP and earning a DBA signifies a significant academic and professional achievement. It highlights a commitment to excellence and a readiness to address complex business issues.

Doctoral Research Project: In Summary

The Doctoral Research Project is a cornerstone of the DBA program, blending intellectual rigor with practical innovation. It’s a conduit between scholarly concepts and tangible business solutions, shaping students into future leaders ready to navigate and influence the business world.

For those considering a DBA, the journey through a DRP offers an unparalleled opportunity to deepen their expertise, expand their professional network, and achieve their career goals.

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